What Is B.E Suite ?

Empowering Purpose-Driven Businesses with Streamlined Management and Marketing Tools

At B.E Suite, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a purpose-driven business. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and organizations to achieve their goals with ease by providing them with comprehensive management and marketing solutions.

"I Created B.E Suite because I know first hand how difficult it can be to learn multiple platforms and still not see the the results you desire."

Chris Live - B.E Suite Founder

What Is B.E. Suite ?

Empowering Purpose-Driven Businesses for success

At B.E. Suite, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a purpose-driven business. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and organizations to achieve their goals with ease by providing them with comprehensive management and marketing solutions.

"B.E. Suite was born out of my own struggle to navigate multiple platforms and achieve meaningful results"

Chris Live - B.E. Suite Founder

Why People Choose Us


Satisfied Customers


Successful Projects


Average Conversion



Our Vision

We envision a world where purpose-driven entrepreneurs in the holistic space have the tools and resources they need to build and sustain successful, heart-centered businesses.

We empower entrepreneurs like you by providing the tools and resources needed to build and scale a business without compromising your values or well-being. With our support, you can continue to make a positive impact on your community, while living a life of abundance and purpose, all while setting up systems and managing your online presence effectively.

Our mission is

To be the go-to solution for purpose-driven entrepreneurs in the holistic space who want to build and scale their businesses without sacrificing their values or well-being.

Our goal is to make it easier for you to engage with your clients, simpler for you to get paid, and easier to improve overall customer experience and conversion. We've built an all-in-one business management, customer experience, and marketing platform to help your business with:

  • Client Relationship Management

  • Reviews

  • Customer Communication

  • Digital Marketing

  • Lead Capture

  • Payment Simplification

  • And So Much More!

B.E. Suite Standards

Being Relevant

We want to help you be relevant so you can serve your customers at a higher level.

Maximum Growth

Our goal is to help by giving you the tools & resources to maximize your growth.

Positive Impact

We want to help you amplify the positive impact you have in your community.


B.E. Suite's tools give you the ability to perform at your best on all platforms.

Multidisciplinary Team

We employ a highly diverse team in skills & culture to serve you better.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We strive to bring you the best tools the market has to offer.

Start growing with B.E. Suite today!

Copyright B.E. Suite 2022 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to help visionaries simplify their systems and scale!